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Our approach to quality system practices

Identifying and solving quality problems is a core requirement of the QS regulation.

This approach is in contrast to merely applying superficial corrections by pass/fail quality-control inspection including rework of finished product or in-process assemblies.​​​

Feedback is necessary to verify the adequacy of the design, manufacturing processes, and the controls used. It also helps trigger corrective action to solve root causes of quality problems rather than just performing rework.​​​​​


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Phone: +45 51 89 68 87

Email: info@smjconsulting.dk

Stanley: stanley.jensen@smjconsulting.dk

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Find our contact details below.


Vigerslevvej 242, 2. tv., 2500 Valby

Click here for directions

CVR: 32749542

Telephone hours

Monday - Friday: 08.00 - 16.00

Saturday and Sunday: closed